The Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) survey is a multi-institutional survey focusing on undergraduate students’ experiences at top-tier research-intensive universities.

The SERU survey is administered to all University of Minnesota degree-seeking undergraduate students on the Twin Cities campus during the spring semester, every other year. The survey is designed to promote and enhance data-driven decisions and provide a path for institutional self-improvement.

The SERU survey is a administered by the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California Berkeley. The SERU Consortium of institutions also offers a graduate student survey (gradSERU) and surveys at international institutions (SERU-I).

SERU survey items provide a comprehensive snapshot of the student experience, tapping into diverse domains of interest to a variety of campus stakeholders. Students respond to items that provide insight into how they use time, their academic and personal development, the campus climate for diversity, their overall satisfaction, and their evaluation of the their major program. Since the survey asks students about their background, beliefs, motivations, and perspectives, in addition to their academic and co-curricular engagement (or disengagement), the responses provide a unique opportunity to explore the student experience through a variety of lenses.

The University first participated in SERU in 2009. Results from the most recent survey administration and further information can be found here: